Face masks are required – we reserve the right to refuse service to any parties not wearing a face mask. Masks will not be provided.
If you need fingerprinted for your Conceal Carry License, please contact the Shawnee County Sheriff’s Department at 785-251-2200 to make an appointment.
The Topeka Police Department fingerprinting service hours will be changing effective immediately.
Recent increases in fingerprinting needs have placed a burden on the department’s ability to provide emergency services and follow-up, so the department is asking the community’s support in establishing specific fingerprinting service hours to help alleviate this burden. Customers needing general fingerprinting services are asked to visit our website and make an appointment.
Those parties who are seeking a license through the city, such as security guards and alarm techs, will need to make arrangements with their company representative to make an appointment.
The fee for this service is $10 per person. This fee may be paid via cash, check, or credit card. This fee includes the completion of as many fingerprint cards as each individual may require at no additional cost per card.
Be sure to bring any fingerprint cards, waivers, instructions, and/or additional paperwork that you were given regarding the fingerprinting process and the requirements of the agency or company requiring your fingerprints. If you were given fingerprint card(s), you may complete the required informational fields at the top of the card(s) prior to being fingerprinted or you may wait until you get here. A government-issued photo ID must be presented at the time of fingerprinting.
If you were not supplied with fingerprint cards, we have the standard FBI FD-258 fingerprint card and may supply these to paying fingerprint customers at no additional cost. An image of this card may be viewed below. If a different fingerprint card is required, it must be supplied by the individual at the time of fingerprinting.
An example of form FD-258

Fingerprinting services will only be offered on Thursdays from 8:15am – 11:15am and 1:15pm – 4:15pm as staffing allows.
Please note: no services will be offered on city holidays.
To schedule an appointment, please visit https://calendly.com/tpdappts/fingerprinting